Grief is Good for You.

It’s pointing you in a direction you didn’t know you needed go.

Hi Friends,

Could grief, yes grief, be a good thing? It’s often seen as an emotional enemy or something to escape, but grief can actually be an incredibly powerful tool for healing. Intrigued? Keep reading.

Our culture often treats grief as something to move past, a bothersome interruption to our lives. There's a general rush to 'get over it’ and move on. I don’t think it’s any mystery - we’ve been thinking about grief all wrong.

Five Alternative Ways to View Grief

1️⃣ Grief as a Teacher

What if, instead of an obstacle to overcome, grief is a teacher? It imparts invaluable lessons, helping us understand ourselves better, appreciate life more, and deepen our empathy for others.

2️⃣ Grief as an Invitation

Grief invites us to face the realities of life and death, love and loss, impermanence, and the importance of gratitude. It suddenly shows us what truly matters: love, relationships, and even those simple, everyday moments.

3️⃣ Grief as an Intelligence

Grief forces us to engage with our emotions. Learning to decipher what each emotion is trying to tell us can be an enlightening experience. These emotions bring incredible insight & intelligence.

4️⃣ Grief as a Connector

Grieving can bring us closer to others who are going through a similar experience. Shared grief can often lead to deeply satisfying, genuine relationships. It can also bring us into a new-found connection with our lost loved one, continuing a bond beyond life and death.

5️⃣ Grief as a North Star

After losing someone or something we deeply care about, it’s not uncommon to reevaluate what truly matters to us. This reflective process can reignite our passions and guide us to a new or refined sense of purpose.

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Grief can be a winding road, full of unexpected turns. But how about we navigate this road as explorers, ready to uncover some life-altering truths?

So, next time grief shows up, don't shove it out the door. Instead, sit down and have that heart-to-heart with it. Who knows, it may reveal secrets to a more enriched, fulfilling life. You might find it's one of the most enlightening experiences of your life.

Let's discover the healing power of grief, together.

Sending you love & light, 🤍 Lauren


The Road Forward.


Grief GPS.